Having brushes in a variety of sizes is preferable.  Flat, filbert, and bright  and my favorites, but feel free to explore. Art is about having fun.

Canvas or ampersand gesso panel.  Oil primed linen about 9x12" or 11x14" preferably toned. Use Ivory Black and Yellow ochre to create a kind of “green” tone. Keep the tone transparent by rubbing the color on with a rag and turpentine.


For this class, you are welcome to bring along any colors you  have, along with the colors listed below.

Michael Harding, Sennelier, Old Holland, Vasari, and Rublev are my Top Brands.

Rublev Lead White (any of them) 

Yellow ochre

Alizarin Crimson


English Red

Cobalt blue 

Ivory black  


Emerald green

Naples Yellow (ONLY the Vasari naples). If you cannot or do not want to purchase this color that is ok. It is an “extra” color that adds a nice accent to mixtures but is not a  necessity.


Wooden Palette – minimum 12 inches. 



Linseed oil.

Masking tape.

Brush soap.


Bring one or two images to work from. And an iPad preferable over printouts. Any animal you wish. Good lighting, clear light and shadow, not blurry, and you'll be good to go:)

Drawing on canvas can be done in advance or in class.

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If a workshop that you are interested says “Sold Out”,  Please fill out registration form and you will be placed on the waiting list or you may email jeanie at to be added to a list. A deposit is not needed to be placed on the waiting list, only when a spot comes available.