Art of the Illustrated Journal

Brenda Swenson, WW-M, NWWS, SDWS, CWA
Please read: The Workshop Experience Website:

There is no magic sketchbook, pen, or paint. The supply list is to get you acquainted with what works for me and is not a mandatory supply list.

Palette: I have many palettes: Heritage Folding Palette, Folio by Art Tool Kit, Palette Box by Craig Young (brass and enamel)... With so many options available it's hard to recommend one. Bring your favorite.

Paints: My paints are Daniel Smith Watercolors, unless noted with WN for Winsor Newton. I add and subtract paint colors from time to time.

Yellows - Oranges:

Hansa Yellow Medium,
Raw Sienna (WN), Quinacridone Gold,
Permanent Yellow Deep, Anthraquinoid
Scarlet, Quinacridone Burnt Orange
Reds: Perm. Alizarin Crimson,
Quinacridone Rose, Burnt Sienna (WN)
Violets: Imperial Purple
Blues: French Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue,
Manganese Blue Hue, Phthalo Blue (GS)
Greens: Green Gold, Phthalo Green
(BS), Cobalt Teal Blue
Lunar Black
Lavender, Buff Titanium , White Gouache (I keep these colors separate)

Watercolor Sketchbooks: Look for a sketchbook that fits your personal style and needs. Consider the size, type of binding (coil or stitch), thickness, paper tooth and most importantly if it handles watercolor. With so many on the market it's hard to recommend one. I prefer sketchbooks with 100% cotton paper, archival and cold press. I can recommend: Etchr, Hahnemühle, Arches

Drawing paper: Inexpensive paper for warm ups (white not newsprint). Canson Mi-Teintes: 2 pieces (8x10) in creme or light gray.

Brushes: Bring your favorites.

Pens: I like them all: cheap disposable to pricey fountain pens. I equally like water- soluble and water-proof ink.
Below are a few suggestions:
Waterproof: Pitt by Faber-Castell, Micron, Copic... (one is fine)

White: Pitt or Uni-ball
No black Sharpies (discolors over time)

Pencil & Eraser
Miscellaneous Items
: Clips, paper towels, water and container, small spray bottle. Photos: Bring your favorites! I’ll bring photos to share, too.

Everyone needs to bring 6 or more objects to draw: More variety of objects the better. Suggestions: clocks, silk fruits & veggies, old book, tea cup, old kettle, bottles, mason jars, colored glass, hammers, pliers, wrench, screw junk.

Personal object: In addition to props bring at least one personal object. Something that has sentimental meaning: old pocket watch, baby shoes, jewelry, pocket knife...

Art Supplier: Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff (800) 227-2788,

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